I guess I must have missed this information as it just came to my attention. The two Social Media sites, LinkedIn and Twitter are now working together. The LinkedIn Blog has a posted from November 9th announcing the partnership.
The deal is that you can update your status in LinkedIn and it will tweet it for you in Twitter, also. This way you are reaching more people with your information.
Twitter is really becoming the place to become connected in my opinion. Companies like Ford Motor have their own Social Media employees, who are getting Tweets out regularly. These Social Media experts for many Companies are aware of the benefits that the LinkedIn site has as well. There are possible job opportunities on LinkedIn in almost every arena of the business world, and many companies are using these resources.
The information on the web is overwhelming at times. I know that more and more I feel on information overload. I read somewhere today, there are over 200 million blogs out there!
In my opinion, it is an amazing feat to have instant access to information that’s happening Now on Twitter. But, to have LinkedIn connected in this new way, it will make the possibilities for job opportunities for everyone increase. ~ Anita