Where Pinterest really shines in comparison to Instagram is in its ability to drive significant amounts of website traffic: Shareaholic Online reported that in December 2014, Pinterest drove just over 5% of all webpage visits (it is second only to Facebook in terms of referral sources). An additional difference between the two is that most people use Instagram to target friends from other Social Media sites where as those who go on Pinterest are typically going to find things that interest them and that they may be interested in buying.
If you are considering listing your business on Pinterest or have a business account on Pinterest that has been inactive for a bit be sure to try these tips to increase the amount of business referrals received from Pinterest!
- Build Content Rich Boards Around Your Niche. You want to build content rich boards and curate your content just as you would on any other social network. Pin your products and your content to themed boards on Pinterest with shortened links that allow you to track your Pinterest traffic.
- Like Other People’s Pins. If you come across pins that you like but aren’t necessarily useful to your audience or be something that you want to pin to one of your boards, you may want to consider liking them rather than repining them. Anytime you like someone’s pin, it will show up in their activity feed. This may grab their attention and get them to follow you.
- Mention Other Users. You can mention others in your Pinterest comments or pin descriptions to get their attention or to recognize someone specific. A ‘mention’ is very similar to Facebook and Twitter. Type the @ symbol before starting to type the name of the person. A drop down box will appear and your choice should be displayed there for you to select.
Written by: Matt Tyson of The Virtual Assistance by Anita Team